The central component of spring application is containers. The spring container manage the life cycle of the bean and it's responsible for wiring of these bean. Wiring nothing but the associating different beans. The spring application provide the two major interfaces namely "BeanFactory" and "ApplicationContext", these two interfaces are act as a containers of spring application.
Hi, I had faced one issue like this. I have an JSON object but I don't know any key name but I need to get the all the key and corresponding value from JSON object using client side JavaScript. Suddenly I wondered whether it's possible or not, after that I had done lot of workaround and finally got this solution. See the below example. function getKeyValueFromJSON() { var jsonObj = {a:10,b:20,c:30,d:50} ; for ( var key in jsonObj) { alert( "Key: " + key + " value: " + jsonObj[key]); } } In this example I have created the one json array as string, and converted this string into JSON object using eval() function. Using for-each loop I got all the key value from jsonObj, and finally using that key I got the corresponding value. Finally I got the alert like this, Key: a value:10 Key: b value:20 Key: c value:30 Key: d value:50 During this workaround I got one more idea, using this same way I got